Contact me at: 510/415-6185

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Happy Endings!

Happy Endings!
(Current as of March 1, 2012)

(There is a nice follow up note from Kira's people)
"Kira", Korean Jindo, White, Daly City/San Francisco -Found!
(There is a nice letter from Ren’s person.)
"Ren", Boston Terrier, Brown/White, Moss Beach - Found!
(There is a nice letter from Sandy’s person after he was found.)
"Sandy", German Shorthair Pointer, Santa Cruz - Found!
(There is a nice letter from Skipperdee’s person after he was found.)
"Skipperdee", Eastern box turtle, Moss Beach - Found!
(There is a nice letter from Raymond’s person after he was found.)
"Raymond", Doberman, Los Gatos - Found!
(There is a nice letter from Oscar’s person about how Oscar was found and her experiences in looking for him.)
"Oscar", Scottish Terrier Mix, Milpitas - Found!
(There is a nice letter from Heather’s person describing her search for Heather.)
"Heather", Grey/White DLH, San Jose - Found!
(There is a nice letter from Anna’s person about how Anna was found and her experience looking for Anna.)
"Anna", Collie, Los Gatos - Found!
(We had a search scheduled, but Chopper was found prior to that. There is a nice note from his person about her experiences in looking for Chopper.)
"Chopper", Chihuahua, Menlo Park - Found!
(There as a couple of nice letters from Bido’s people describing their experiences looking for her and using my services.)
"Bido", Jack Russel Terrier, Carmel - Found!
(There is a nice letter from Jess' person.)
"Jess", DSH, Black, Berkeley - Found!
(There is a nice letter from Rohan's person included.)
"Rohan", DLH, Orange/White Tabby, Alameda - Found!
(There is a nice letter from Sammie's person included.)
"Samuel/Sammie", DSH, Grey/White Tabby, Mill Valley - Found!
(There is a nice follow up letter from Nugget's person included)
"Nugget", Male Fawn Pug, Folsom - Found!
(There is a nice follow up letter included from Nan's person.)
"Nan", Grey/White Tabby, Alameda - Found!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Other Solved Cases

Other Solved Cases
(Current as of March 1, 2012)

Found Deceased While on Search

(Though Gracie was found deceased, there is a nice letter from her person talking about her experiences on the search.)
"Gracie", Shih Tzu, San Francisco - Found
(Though Malcolm was found deceased, there is a nice follow up letter included from his person.)
"Malcolm", DLH, Orange Tabby, San Mateo - Found

Found Deceased Before or Following Search

(There is a nice follow up letter from Hef's person included.)
"Hef", DSH, Silver Tabby, Monterey - Found